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Font options - with background "sun"

To start off, this is the "font" (text style) that is currently being used throughout this development site. Its "family" is called Helvetica, a type of font called "sans-serif", meaning without the extra squiggles (serifs) that you often find in printed books. Most people believe that serif fonts are more difficult to read on a screen, so we won't include those here. There are hundreds of different type families, but some browsers don't show them properly, and Helvetica is widely used. So we won't show other fonts here. The "weight" (the heaviness of the print) is 400 ("normal"), and the size is 16 pixels. Below are a lot of different choices, each with a couple of lines of text. We'll go from light to heavy, and for each weight, we'll show different sizes. At the bottom, all of this is repeated without the Sun watermark in the background. Do you have a preference?


Some people prefer a more delicate weight, so the first group below are different sizes of Helvetica 300, a much lighter weight than we are using now.

This is Helvetica 300, size 14 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 300, size 16 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 300, size 18 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 300, size 20 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 300, size 22 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This group shows different sizes of Helvetica 350, a slightly lighter weight than we are using now.

This is Helvetica 350, size 14 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 350, size 16 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 350, size 18 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 350, size 20 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 350, size 22 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This group shows different sizes of Helvetica 400, the weight that the site is using now..

This is Helvetica Normal 400, size 14 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica Normal 400, size 16 pixels (what the site is using now). New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica Normal 400, size 18 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica Normal 400, size 20 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica Normal 400, size 22 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This group shows different sizes of Helvetica 450, a somewhat heavier weight that almost looks bold, so we would probably not want to use it.

This is Helvetica 450, size 14 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 450, size 16 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 450, size 18 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 450, size 20 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 450, size 22 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.

No sun:

Font options - without the background "sun"

What follows below is exactly the same as what's above the divider above, except without the background sun watermark. Some people may feel that the sun adds depth and interest, but others may find it a distraction to reading the text. What do you think?

To start off, this is the "font" (text style) that is currently being used throughout this development site. Its "family" is called Helvetica, a type of font called "sans-serif", meaning without the extra squiggles (serifs) that you often find in printed books. Most people believe that serif fonts are more difficult to read on a screen, so we won't include those here. There are hundreds of different type families, but some browsers don't show them properly, and Helvetica is widely used. So we won't show other fonts here. The "weight" (the heaviness of the print) is 400 ("normal"), and the size is 16 pixels. Below are a lot of different choices, each with a couple of lines of text. We'll go from light to heavy, and for each weight, we'll show different sizes. At the bottom, all of this is repeated without the Sun watermark in the background. Do you have a preference?


Some people prefer a more delicate weight, so the first group below are different sizes of Helvetica 300, a much lighter weight than we are using now.

This is Helvetica 300, size 14 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 300, size 16 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 300, size 18 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 300, size 20 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 300, size 22 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This group shows different sizes of Helvetica 350, a slightly lighter weight than we are using now.

This is Helvetica 350, size 14 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 350, size 16 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 350, size 18 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 350, size 20 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 350, size 22 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This group shows different sizes of Helvetica 400, the weight that the site is using now..

This is Helvetica Normal 400, size 14 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica Normal 400, size 16 pixels (what the site is using now). New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica Normal 400, size 18 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica Normal 400, size 20 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica Normal 400, size 22 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This group shows different sizes of Helvetica 450, a somewhat heavier weight that almost looks bold, so we would probably not want to use it.

This is Helvetica 450, size 14 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 450, size 16 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 450, size 18 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 450, size 20 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.


This is Helvetica 450, size 22 pixels. New Mexico is a wonderful place, especially this time of year when the weather is perfect, the leaves are changing, and there is the smell of freshly roasted green chile in the air.

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