New Patient Referrals

For New Patients and Families

Facing a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. At New Mexico Cancer Center, we prioritize your care and well-being and will take over the burden of managing your care, appointments, and insurance issues.  Our financial counselors will make sure your insurance pays as it should and help you access other resources such as assistance with copays.  Our Foundation can help you with transportation, housing or other issues.

You deserve timely access to expert treatment. Our dedicated team will work closely with you and your other physicians to provide comprehensive care, from diagnosis to recovery. We offer a full range of services, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, CT scans, Pet scans, MRIs, pharmacy services and supportive care, all under one roof.  Health Specialists of New Mexico is the part of the practice that includes our rheumatologists, urologists, pulmonologists, ENT surgeon, general surgery and survivorship. We use a telemedicine process for nutrition support and for mental health support.

As a patient of our practice, we encourage you to call us for any questions or problems you may have. When you call with a medical problem the operators will ask you 5 questions to determine if you have a life threatening problem. If you do, they will transfer your call immediately to an oncology nurse. All other calls will be returned within an hour.  We want you to call us, because we can manage a lot of problems in our very capable clinic, and help you avoid long Emergency Department waits and prevent the need for a hospitalization if possible.

After hours all calls go to our answering service and are sent to the medical oncologist on call.

As an independent practice, we are committed to providing patient-centered care without the constraints of a larger system. For example, because we are not part of a hospital, we do not charge facility fees or add the large markups to your bill that you will see from hospital outpatient departments. This means your out of pocket costs are generally about 30% less than in a hospital based system. Imaging at a non hospital setting like ours often costs significantly less than imaging obtained in a hospital.

Our physicians collaborate with leading experts to deliver innovative, evidence-based treatments without having to get approval from administrators or hospital committee structures.

If you are seeking a second opinion or would like to learn more about our services, please contact us.

Ask your doctor to refer you to New Mexico Cancer Center.