Ways to Give

Ways to Give

Become a vital part of the vision for improving the lives of people in our community who are fighting cancer. A contribution to NMCCF can make a meaningful, often life-changing difference for at-risk cancer patients. It is only through the generosity of others that we can offer families a wide range of programs which provide financial help, educational resources and support.

New Mexico Cancer Center Foundation is a registered non-profit in good standing with the New Mexico Attorney General's Office and follows best-practice accounting. There are a variety of giving opportunities to fit the needs of people who have the desire and capability to plant a seed of hope for cancer patients and their families. Donations to NMCCF can be made:

  • Online: Make a secure contribution online by clicking DONATE in the header of any page.
  • Phone: Call-in a credit card contribution or pledge by calling (505) 828-3791.
  • Fax: your credit card contribution or pledge by going to the DONATE page, printing the NMCCF Donation Form and faxing it securely to (505) 857-8480.
  • Mail: a contribution by printing out the donation form (on the DONATE page) and mailing it with your credit card information or check, payable to:

New Mexico Cancer Center Foundation
4901 Lang Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109-4495

Matching Gifts

Many companies match the charitable gifts made by their employees. Check with your human resources office to see if your gift to NMCCF qualifies for a matching contribution. Every gift makes a difference!

Workplace Giving

Donating to the NMCCF via payroll deduction through the United Way of Central New Mexico workplace or private donation campaign is the easy, efficient and affordable way to give. Donors receive credit and tax deduction letters through United Way of Central New Mexico. Gifts are deposited directly to the account of the NMCCF per the United Way deposit schedule.

Honorary and Memorial Gifts

A gift to NMCCF is a thoughtful way to honor or remember a loved one or to celebrate a birthday, holiday, wedding, or other special event. Your gift will be acknowledged with a special card sent to you or the honoree. For online giving, the DONATE page allows you to provide the name of the person being honored or remembered, as well as a contact address for who should receive notification of the gift (other than the donor).

There are also options for directed giving for specific purposes. We have just added a page for the Yolanda Acosta Memorial Foundation, which provides for 100% of money donated to go to women with breast cancer who need assistance.

Planned Giving – Establishing a Legacy with Gifts that last beyond your lifetime.

Planned Giving is the term used to describe a wide range of gifts, including appreciated stock, securities, insurance, annuities, bequests, or other types of giving beyond simply writing a check to support our mission. At some point in our lives, we can reach a point where what we have exceeds what we need. That, combined with the desire to help people today and perhaps generations beyond today, is the beginning of consideration of a planned gift. Certain types of planned gifts can provide you with a variety of tax benefits while supporting the NMCCF. Planned giving can include gifts that are used in the day to day business of the Foundation or for gifts that are set to pay dividends for future generations' an endowment fund.

Because there are a number of different options for Planned Giving, we will work with you to learn about your beliefs, objectives, resources. We'll discuss possible options, and we'll work with professionals in different fields to help you make decisions that are most beneficial to you and to NMCCF.

As we are now members of the Albuquerque Community Foundation, we have the ability to work closely with that organization to help us assess assets such as real estate, cars, land, etc.

Our Planned Giving program goes beyond monetary or marketable gifts. Our program allows for volunteers to become involved in a bigger way. Volunteers can be a  part of patient programs, provide their professional expertise pro-bono for patients in need, help with art shows or anything else we might have going on. Giving back with time can be just as rewarding as giving monetarily.

Gifts of Securities, Insurance Policies and other Assets

NMCCF accepts gifts of appreciated stocks, securities or insurance. Appreciated stock'publicly traded or closely held'represents the most common type of noncash gift. In many cases, donors making this type of gift can avoid paying capital gains taxes (consult your tax advisor).

Consider designating NMCCF as a full or partial beneficiary of a life insurance policy or making a gift of funds beyond your needs from a pension plan or Individual Retirement Account. Please consult your legal/financial advisor. If you do not have an advisor, the Foundation has an Advisory Committee who can make suggestions for affordable options.

Other tangible assets such as land, vehicles, houses, jewelry, boats, etc, can be given to benefit the New Mexico Cancer Center Foundation. The Board of Directors' Planned Giving Committee reviews each gift to make the acceptance decisions.


A bequest is a written statement in a donor's will directing that specific assets, or a percentage of the estate, will be transferred to the charity at the donor's passing. Most choose to create this document using a trusted estate planner or their attorney.

Including NMCCF in your will can help reduce estate taxes and provides one with full control over your assets during life. If you wish to include the Foundation in your will as a full or partial beneficiary, please contact the Foundation's Executive Director.

In-Kind Donations

NMCCF or its grantees are sometimes in need of usable office and other supplies, re-usable medical equipment, computers, furniture, or professional services. To inquire about making an in-kind contribution, please contact NMCCF at (505) 828-3791.

Amazon Smile

NMCCF is listed as a beneficiary by Amazon. Make sure that you select Aazon Smile when you purchase from Amazon, and select New Mexico Cancer Center Foundation.